Anyways, so instead of an update I'm blogging a little; here are some pics of some Sims of mine.

These are some Sims I've been actually playing lately. The fairy is Blossom Bright, her juvenile lust for life (and, you know, other things) are what draws ancient vampire (and famous artist) Damon Darke to keep flirting with her when I'm not looking.
They live in Moonlight Falls, in a household that also consist of a witch named Miriam Morgane and a wherewolf named Vincent Volk, as well as Vincent's love interest Sierra Specter who is a human ghost hunter and her late sister Sienna.
I'm having a heck of a time trying to juggle this household without using cheats, I am not used to actually playing The Sims 3, I tend to just create houses that suit a certain set of characters and then I use mods to give said characters the traits and skills they ought to have according to where I imagine them in my stories, I never actually play the game.
Now these guys are a little more complicated to explain. They're actually characters from a story that never seem to take shape.
I just have all these characters and a half formed world for them. Anyway, they are something like bounty hunters in a futuristic, maybe post apocalypse world and they're sort of former lovers slash rivals... geesh, makes perfect sense.
Anyway I like them a lot, though I think I've tweaked their appearance since these pics were taken.